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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hugging Their Darkness

Shadows are frozen,
Unmoving shapes in the snow
Teased by the cold sun.

Crying to greet me
Crow screams as I leave my door;
Then he leaves, too.

It's too cold to bark;
All dogs are inside houses--
Better things to do.

Party was here last June;
Old balloons still hang on pole.
They can hope, can't they?

Blue wrapped newspapers
Lie waiting on iced driveways
Too cold to be read.

Beyond the sunshine
The woods seem colder,
Hugging their darkness.

As still as snowfall,
Cold light falls upon the road.
Plane breaks the silence.

Roadside stream is ice,
Its tributaries frozen.
Not a sound from it.

Like a stone igloo
Snow covered rock stands in woods.
No one is inside.

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