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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can No One Hear Them?

Snow has turned to mist;
White slicked branches are dripping.
Birds flit back and forth.

Soft white flecks of snow
Float aimlessly from the sky,
Melting on the ground.

A light white frosting
Gently covers thin tree limbs

And the bushy fir.

The greenish lichen
Not to be outdone by trees
Catches its own snow.

A dark rectangle
Laid out in the white driveway--
Presence of absence.

How do so many
Snowflakes fall without a sound?
Can no one hear them?

White, the light snow falls;
Drops of water hang from limbs--
Neither here nor there.

Truck driver retreats;
He will not climb the steep hill.
(He'd rather be home).

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