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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Beauty in Plainness

 Ugly Spider Plant
Now hosts possible flower--
Beauty surprises!

Spider Plant and pot:
Two orphans on the front porch
Doing their own thing.

Beige Timothy grass
Sways gently in the breezes--
Beauty in plainness.

Single abandoned
Tiny shoe in the driveway---
Too many questions.

Dog's hollow barking
Fills the air, but is unseen;
It then disappears.

Busy pile of flies
Buzzes around a dead thing;
No sound, but fury.

A sea of faint green
Rolls in the sunless forest;
Its waves are silent.

Patient, the ivy
That crawls up the giant tree
Doesn't need to rush.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Portrait in Stillness

Sunny leaf nimbus
Hangs in my kitchen window;
Dark woods lie beyond. 

The patient inch worm
Suspended from his high branch
Just waits in the breeze.

Olivia stares
From her dark and shady barn,
Just munching her hay.

Absorbed in her book
Susan sits on her front lawn:
Portrait in stillness.

Hanging over trees
Puff clouds seem ready to fall;
(But they never do.)

Looking to my left--
The sun has not reached it yet;
Two levels of light.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Bright Sun Will Prevail

Gleaming water drops
Cling to the welcoming leaves.
Bright sun will prevail.

World is born anew--
Last night's rainfall has brought life
To thirsty grass blades.

With a golden shine
Plant glistens in the sun.
(Touched by King Midas?)

Winter is long gone,
Yet the firewood still stands--
Wall to keep out cold.

These red berries glow
And sing a song of sadness
Mixed with the sunlight.

Rustle of the leaves
Mixed with the chirping of birds
In the deep lush woods.

All rain has ended,
Yet drops continue to fall
From the forest leaves.

Pregnant milkweed pods
Appear on the floral stalks;
Soon to bring forth silk.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Two Gentle Beings

 Beast in its corral
Waits patiently in the shade;
Its time will come soon.

It's threatening rain;
It's also threatening sun.
(Which way the wind blows.)

Mop lies on railing;
Doesn't look too comfortable;
(But I'm projecting.)

Chicory and stump
Seem to be joined in shadows;
Very strange marriage.

Chicory shadows
Lie motionless on the road.
They've no place to go.

Mailbox is threatened;
Soon leaves will overtake it.
Then--everything green.

Forest is dark green;
Birds are chirping deep within;
Leaves glow in the sun.

Two gentle beings
Regard me regard them.
(There is much regard).

In the wild again,
St. Francis in the grass
Surrounded by green.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

They Have No Borders

This new summer day
Flooded with sunshine and warmth;
Asking me to come.

Green translucent leaves
Shimmer in the morning light;
Plants are all growing.

Plants invade darkness
Creeping up on the shadows;
They have no borders.

From chicory bloom
Another plant is springing
With no sound at all.

Stream water is still;
Just the shadows move on it.
(They're always restless.)

Empty trampoline
Sits on top of a shadow.
Nothing is bouncing.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Endless Shades of Green

Eleven days left
And then I will leave my home
For a Jersey plain.

Endless shades of green,
Luminescent and opaque,
Outside my window.

Forest wilderness
Sitting right next to my house
As if it belongs.

Butterflies collide
In the middle of the air,
To find the right mate.

Away from the road
The empty field looks foreign--
Thousand miles away.

Slowly sinking down,
Covered with new foliage,
Log returns to earth.