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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yet Spring Whispers Low

There's a dim whiteness;
Misty snow flakes are falling
Yet Spring whispers low.

A brief slash of sun;
Snowflakes continue to fall;
Persistent winter.

The horns of the cow
Peer out through the falling snow
From the dark barn door.

Snow fall slanted now;
Swirling patterns on the road;
Spring has retreated.

Barn red wood tulips
Bloom forever on shutters;
White snow streaks past them.

Runner around bend
Dutifully climbs the steep hill
Rising against snow.

The snow brings silence;
Then, a brief hum of a plane;
And silence again.

Trudging up the hill
One more pilgrim in the snow
Enveloped in thoughts.

Where did it come from--
Brown blossom from last Spring
Landing on pine branch?

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