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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Grasping at Shadows

Hollows on the snow;
Shaded, molded by the sun;
Layered with shadows.

Deceptive brightness
Conceals the frigidity
Until I walk out.

Shadows and snow merge;
Blinding white upon the field;
Now, the rooster crows.

Ancient wheelbarrow,
Rusted brown, sits patiently,
Waiting for its job.

A pale ghostly branch
Rises from the blank whiteness
Grasping at shadows.

The woods are nuanced;
Rolling shades of black and white
Beneath the tall pines.

Sparkles on the snow
Only move when I pass by;
Yet they go nowhere.

A pile of dead leaves
On porch of abandoned house--
Perpetual Fall.

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