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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do Those Sparkles Sing?

Afternoon shadows
Fall on the snow and the road.
Is that a cardinal?

Not Spring, not Winter;
A bright day--not cold, not warm--
Time of transition.

Rooster keeps crowing
Even though it's two p.m.
Something waking up.

Peter with shovel;
There always seem to be work,
All times of the year.

Jogger jogs gently;
Day's too soft for pounding feet.
Lighter touch will do.

Do those sparkles sing,
Bouncing on top of the stream?

Angels? Or fairies?

Stump buddies are back,
Risen from deep snow again
To face each other.

Icicles return,
Dripping softly from the rocks--
Seasonal see saw.

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