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Monday, February 14, 2011

On This Spring Teased Day

Icicles have gone;
There is dripping off my roof;
Spring is peeking through.

Yes, roses are red,
And violets are blue, it's true;
And I do feel love.

Cirrus clouds move fast
Bringing in the new season
(Until it changes)

Water moves again;
The stream ripples its mirrors;
The earth is melting.

Snow bank breaks apart
In small increments of melt.
Bientôt le déluge.

Ice loosens its group;
On tree,s fences, mailboxes;
Air moist, almost warm.

Soft sun breaks through clouds;
A warm breeze blows up the hill;
Bird calls seem softer.

Dogs are holding back--
Too many smells in the wind
On this Spring teased day.

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