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Monday, May 10, 2010


The sun shines so bright
Yet its light makes little heat.
Sharp shadows shiver.

Buds on the bare tree
Last to shed its skeleton
For a frill of green.

Two birds on a wire;

What thoughts pass through their bird brains
As they sit so still?

Waving on the ground
Spider shadow of a branch.
Wind whispers in woods.

Blue flowers shaking
In a light patch of sunlight--

The road is quiet;
I stop to hear what I can:
Only the faint wind.

The road is quiet;
I stop to hear what I can:
Only the faint wind.

Translucently bright,
Some leaves light up in the woods
For a brief instant.

Cut grass aroma
Drifts across the road to me--
Pungent smell of Spring.

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