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Friday, April 30, 2010

It's Been a Rough Wind

Clustered sparkles of white
Gather round the flowered bush
That flowers no more.

It's been a rough wind;
Strong branches ripped from the trunk
And hung out to die.

Strutting on the lawn,
Lone hen pecks for some goodies.
(Where are the goodies?)

Stream tinkles softly
Like some delicate plumbing
Gone a bit awry.

White lilacs blooming
Not far from the stone saint's back.
He does not see them.

Sun brings the shadows;
Shadows rely on the sun--
A lasting marriage!

Sports Saab swishes past;
Thick cigarette smell lingers,
Swept away by breeze.

Two baby pine sprouts
Picked a good time to pop up--
Eight months 'til Winter.

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