A chorus of geese
Flies screeching across the sky,
Leaving no echo.
The two doggy pals
Avidly explore their field
Again and again.
Two old dogs walk man;
Loud screeches of logging chain saw;
Stream trickles swiftly.
"Stay with the sadness";
So all the wise ones tell me.
I just want to flee.
Annette's daffodils
Bloom brightly in her front yard
Where she is no more.
The grinding chain saw
Rips through the morning silence
As it does through wood.
A still life with squirrel;
Natural oxymoron;
Camera illusion.
How far have I walked
Immersed in my monkey thoughts?
I am almost home.
Through my kitchen screen:
Female cardinal on the lawn--
Soft pastel stillness.
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