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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

With How Many Feet?

January 27

Trees through the window
Wave faintly in the mirror;
Morning illusions. 

Was this a blizzard?
No. Just fine layer of snow--
Dashed expectations.

January 28

 January morn,
Birds flutter from the bushes;
Bright and bitter cold.


 A flash of bright red;
Cardinal flies into the bush;
Leaves color behind.


Shadow on the hill
Crawls on snow up the driveway.
(It's barely moving.)

A tiny mountain
Lies alone in the forest
Molded by the snow.

Milkweed puffs are gone;
Only a few bare husks remain;
The rest are bare husks.

Single line of tracks--
What animal walks like this?
With how many feet?

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