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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Unmistakable Greyness

 Two days until Spring;
Will flowers bloom and sun shine?
Just an illusion.


Looks like rain or snow;
Unmistakable greyness
Glooms upon the snow.


 Not a ray of sun;
Just a pervasive greyness
Swallows up the snow.

Waiting to be filled ,
These cars stand in the driveway
With their mouths open.

Swift, silent they are:
Two deer that race across the road
Leaving a tail's flash.

Dimensions have changed,
Everything seems flatter now:
Stream beds, ice and snow.

Dotted silhouettes--
Leaves still cling to the tree tops
Where they've hung since Fall.


Random pile of rocks?
Or an ancient cooking fire?
So many questions.

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