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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Snow Flakes are Falling

Brown spots extending
As earth opens to the sun
And the snow recedes.

Laury on the road,
Her old dog dragging behind.;
Two tired routines.

The air is softer;
Blanket of clouds in the sky.
Bird calls all around.

The weary mail box
After a winter's struggle
Bows down to the ground.

As the snow pulls back
It leaves debris of winter--
Trash before flowers.

The ancient stone wall
Has flowed down the mountain side
And formed an eddy.

Ghost is naked now;
He snuffles his hay and grain,
Just like every day.

Above the gray sky,
Flying chorus of wild geese,
Show only their sound.

Snow flakes are falling--
Thick white flakes are floating
On third day of Spring.

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