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Monday, May 09, 2016

This Day Full of Shadows

Shadows on my lawn
Dance in the morning brightness;
Tree limbs lead the sway.


Persistent blue jay
Keeps trying the bird feeder.
(He's much too heavy.)  


Green grass on my lawn
Has given way to green moss.
The green continues.


Shadows on the rock
Carved sharply in one color
Enjoy sun's blessing.


 This day full of shadows
Is a day full of sunshine;
A strange paradox.

From the tall tree trunk
Fresh green baby sapling grows-
Tree gives birth to tree.

Upright, standing tall
Pine needles have all turned brown--
Illusion of life.

What is wrong with me?
Sun, breeze and walk are perfect.
I just can't complain.

Lilly holds the hen;
Indiana looking on--
The hen doesn't mind.

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