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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Palette of Farewell

Tricolored blackbird
Flashes its vivid colors
So nonchalantly. 

Sun chases the clouds;
The clouds return the favor--
Celestial see-saw.

The cows are mooing;
Such loud sounds from gentle beasts;
Hunger has volume.

Rough wind up the road
Blows the clouds hither and yon;
Chorus of wind chimes.

Forsythia blooms
Scattered among the dead leaves:
Palette of farewell.

First budding lilacs;
Dash of violet in the air.
(Will its scent follow?)

Next to the old stump
Ethereal blue cluster
Sheds its own faint light.

Calls from the forest--
Birds, animals or human?

Is it really true?
Do the old wives have it right?
Is the grass greener?

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