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Friday, April 08, 2016

Hawk is Hunting

A blanket of snow--
Winter wonderland is here;
Wait! It's April Fourth.

"Those April showers"
Appear in the form of snow,
Are coming my way.

Bird pecks on railing
Before he pecks in the feeder.
Must be a habit.

Shadows on the snow;
Cows choose not to leave the barn.
(They're watching inside.)

Action in the snow;
Girls create their own games.
(School is always on.)

Hung above the stream
Small crystalline piece of ice
Suspended in time.

Sensuous snow mounds 
Roll softly in the white woods
Playing with shadows.

Today the woods sing
A subdued high pitched singing
For April winters.

Bird in the bushes
Warbles a cheerful message
To all and sundry.

It's a slow Springing;
Sun still hides behind the clouds,
Leaves blue gray pallor.

Fat bird on feeder
Turns around to check the scene;
Then keeps on eating.

Forsythia blooms
Turn brown in the chill April.
(Is this their new time?)

Yesterday's rain fall
Today's rushing stream, new lake;
Water rules the sky.

Dirty pile of snow
Not ready to disappear
Lie near stump and bark.

It's moving again:
Stream bed, dry for many months,
Moving into Spring.

Wind shakes the dead leaves
Still clinging to the thin branch.
Wind stops--leaves remain.

At edge of the sky
Dark form glides beyond the trees--
Hawk is hunting.

From walks of April 6 and 8, 2016

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