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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

(Listen to the Woods)

 How many cold words
Freeze in the English language?
How many ice words?


 Shadows on the snow
Lie silent without motion
As if they're frozen.

Greeted by the sun
This icy day feels warm;
Hope from the sun's warmth.

The fence has succumbed;
Snow climbs higher and higher;
Wire can't keep it out.

Shadows on snow dunes,
Permanent in the sunshine.
(Both will melt away).

Woodpecker flutters
Silently from tree to tree;
Still there are no taps.

"KEEP OUT!" the signs shriek;
The woods are still inviting.
(Listen to the woods).

Plodding through the snow
Mother takes her kid to school.
Routines continue.

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