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Monday, May 07, 2012

In Tight Purple Fists

Night of pounding rain;
Leaves now covered with moisture;
Everything is calm.

Shadow of my barn
Etching the morning sunshine
Lifts my sad spirits.


Bright lilacs glisten
Holding the sprinkled wetness
In tight purple fists.

The smell of wetness:
Green brown and full of growth
Floats up from the ground.


 Dandelion puffs
Drenched by the evening's storm
Stand like sad wet cats.
 Sun has disappeared;
Thick gray sky foretells the future:
Nature's oracle.

In the morning gloom
Faint blue flowers near the road
Light up the forest.

Flicker in a tree:
Creature hides behind the trunk.
Is it  bird or beast?

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