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Thursday, May 03, 2012

In Between the Rain

The sky is waiting;
The road is slick with water--
In between the rain.


Birds chirping loudly
Woodpecker hollow pecking;
Roosters and hens cluck. 

 How green the forest--
Lush and moist from soaking rain;
Even leaves vibrate.


Lying by the road
A white piece of the tree fungus
Which has lost its way.

Like small white candles
New buds spring up from the tree
Ready to shed light.

This old battered glove
Has laid here for the winter
As the cars roared by.

Other side of road
The second battered glove lies;
Twins will never meet.

What manner of bird
Left such an immense turd splat
In the road's center?

The morning road gleam
Picks up sunlight and water
Mixing elements.

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