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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Whisper on the Eyes

It's a soft morning;
Buds where there were none before;
The shadows are still.

It's barely a breeze--
Just a rustle of the air;
Whisper on the eyes.

Hardy road side chives
Mark the passing of the cars,
Hide green pungency.

Dark against branches,
Still robin is hard to see;
He's part of the tree.

Purring up the road
Bikers head for the bright sun.

Dandelions watch.

In only one day
Leaves have emerged from their buds
To embrace the sun.

Strange mad tea party
Still waits in the deep forest
But nobody comes.

Three fenced in dogs bark,
Answered by mutt in pickup--
Noise in stereo.

With fur glistening
Pooch goes for a spring time swim
As good as it gets.

Bright drop of sun hangs
From dry ancient milkweed pod.
There's nothing inside.

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