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Monday, November 10, 2008

Waiting for the Wind

Craws caw, blue sky,
Stop sign shadow on the road;

Dog barks as always.

Goat bleats without end;
Machinery chuck clunks by;
All is crisp and cold.

Moss on a tree trunk--
Little knobs of green stick out;
Thrive on sun and cold.

Beyond bare brambles
A rash of red leaves erupts:
Beacon of winter.

Bright red leaves, green pine
Stand together near brown leaves--
Winter's fashion show.

A blue ribbon scrap
On a branch, picks up the sun--
Alien landing.

Hard strong slate above;
A pile of crushed stone below;
One yields to the next.

Lone, large, brown pocked leaf
Suspended in the branches
Waiting for the wind.

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