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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Others Caught Falling

Half bare, half yellow
My bush straddles the seasons
Under a light sun.

With knot holes gaping
Bare tree looks over the road
To the colored hills.

Birds sounding frantic--
Catching late flights to the south?
Or just complaining?

A rippled mirror
Stream continues to bubble;
Dark are its shadows.

Through the large knot hole
A glimpse of the tree beyond--
From darkness to light.

The woods are brown now

With blankets of dead dry leaves;
And, yes, evergreens.

Round, on bare branches
Apples still hang from the tree;
Others caught falling.

Number on a pole
Old faded steel medallion:
"C H G & E"

Caught in the brambles:
Milkweed seed not far from home
Flutters in the breeze.

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