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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Still a Few Leaves Left

Thin sunny branches
Spindle upwards to the sky;
Still a few leaves left.

Bleaching in the sun:
Beige and brown, cut pieces of wood,
Soaking up the heat.

No new leaves to kill,

Tent caterpillar sack rots;
What will consume it?

The tree is for rent,
Any Pooh bear may apply;
Yes, these are hard times.

Solitary leaf
Floating gently to the ground
Lands without others

A whisper of birds
Grows louder out of the woods;
Gathers to the sky.

Bright white and shaggy
Three mushrooms shoot from the leaves--
Poof! As with magic!

Among bare branches
Pale white seed puffs wait their turn;
Still, they're holding on.

1 comment:

kouji said...

i especially like the image of the fence shadow cast on the leaves and street. great eye. :)