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Monday, November 17, 2008

Leap Frogging Seasons

In dark sharp shadows,
Brown cow munches lazily
As sun disappears.

Bleating and grazing
Small billy goat stops to scratch--
Then back to the food.

It's almost buried
The vibrant green ground cover
Now losing its ground.

The gray clouds draw over;
The sharp shadows disappear,
A new world is born.

At the branches' ends
Little green buds can be seen
Leapfrogging seasons.

They say it may snow;
A gray coldness in the air
Might give birth to white.

Above each other
Two shelf fungi face the road--
A mushroom totem.

A single snow flake
Floating gently past my nose
Is joined by others.

Wind in the forest
Rustling the unseen trees
Does not reach the road.

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