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Thursday, June 08, 2017

To Catch Passing Truck


 Lush June afternoon;
Grass is growing much higher;
Sun is getting hot.

Rhododendrons stay--
They don't seem to want to leave.
(Why on earth should they?)

There's a third being--
Susan's checking out Collette--
Each takes care of each.

New white buttercups
Mixing with the yellow ones--
Mutations abound.

Flowing towards the stream
Flurry of yellow flowers
Shedding their bright light.

Splayed, wild and watchful--
Do these asters hold anger
At intrusive bugs?

Coiled in the road
Snake seems ready to slide on;
(Will he ever move?)

Wild bouquet grows
Out of the railing again;
Nobody asked it.

Dandelion puffs
Race swiftly through the Spring air
To catch passing truck.

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