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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Down Lofting Down Lofting Down

 Fast white flakes falling,
Down lofting down lofting down
To blank white expanse.

How softly they fall,
Pieces of sky falling downward
Rushing through slowly

The road is silent;
Birds fluttering to the trees
Look out on lightness.

My tracks behind me
Are soon going to be swallowed
By a million mouths.

Shadow on driveway--
Fixed memory of a car
Soon to be erased.

Snow is lessening
Dusty white specks fill the sky;
Now the cars come out.

Stump at end of a pole
Hinting at a new found game
Played there in the forest.

Dead suspended leaf
Hanging there since last Autumn;
Is it going to make the Spring?

Misty the snow falls,
Blurring the trees and landscape
Into white softness.

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