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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Waiting for the Wind


I wasn't going to ;
I have so much work to do;
But the clear sun calls.


 Thousand shades of green;
A million lights of sunshine;
Too many to count.

Between the wires
Pale moon glows in the bright sky;
No care for the clock.


 Fuzzy bears abound
Signalling a soft winter
With their light brown coats.


 Loud in the tree limbs
Crow calls to its companions
And then floats away.


 It's watching me:
Fade moon peeks between the trees.
Who is watching whom?


In the steel guard rail
Tiny portals look beyond.
(Always a way through.)


 Just one dead brown leaf
Hangs from the slender tree trunk
Waiting for the wind.

 How quiet they are
Talking low and peacefully:
Five kids in the tree.

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