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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Random Act of Love


At this creeping hour,
(It's well on to eleven)
Clouds threaten to burst.


There is no sunshine,
Only the gray heavy light,
Before the rains fall.


Hens persistent clucks
Fill the soft, gray, silent air;
Then, mourning dove coos.


 Where are the children?
Murmured voices from the house;
Ball lies abandoned.

The mirroring stream
Reflects the clouds and the leaves;
(A pebble bursts it.)

A friend stops to chat,
Leaving a warmth in my heart.
Friendship is magic.

He left it for me:
My favorite movie of all.
Random act of love.

Flashing gently down,
Moth pretends it's a dead leaf.
(Is it watching me?)

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