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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Must They Also Go?

Faint smell of wood smoke
Drifts over the dappled lawn;
Thoughts of the winter.

How long will they last,
These violet rhododendrons?
Must they also go?

Empty flower pot
Sat all winter on the porch.
Now, clover grows there.

Two roosters crowing;
They're in the very same barn.
Birds rise from the field.

A small busy bee
Sucks at miniature flower;
(For tiny sweetness?)

On the shadowed road
Memories dart in and out;
Saw hums like insects.

Still figure on porch;
(I'm not certain what it is);
Comes to life and waves.

A new mullein plant
Spreads its softly fuzzy leaves
Waiting to be used.

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