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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where is the Snowbow?

Thick, fat flakes of snow
Float aimlessly in the air.
Where is the snowbow?

Sunshine in the barn
Sharpens shadows and lights wood
Drawing the old cow.

Despite the freezing
Birds are chirping and swirling--
The work of the sun.

Among the dead leaves
Luminescent green ivy;
Unstoppable force.

Shiny silver sash
Glistens and sways on fence post.
What is its story?

The bend is shadowed;
Light and heat disconnected;
Through the trees--ice pond.

Life has drained from here;
Abandoned house is a shell;
Exists like a ghost.

Red shiny berries
Have sharp thorns that will prick you
If you reach to touch.

1 comment:

Sarv said...

Amazing, Sarv. Over seven hundred haiku about the same walk. You must be brilliant or obsessed. Or, perhaps, both. Perhaps if some news organization mentioned your name, then you would become visible. Would be wonderful if people thought for themselves.