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Friday, October 17, 2008

School bus rounds corner,
Faces unseen in windows.

It could be empty.

Crisp pile of firewood
Lies in cool October sun,
Waiting to give warmth.

Old blue bandanna
Lies neatly on the dead leaves
(Which need no cover).

The curtains are drawn;
The barn is quiet and still;
One bulb burns inside.

A card in the road
Says it will do construction.
Leaves will cover it.

My toes are freezing;
My finger tips are tingling.
Still I wear sandals?

Stopping in the woods
I happily take a pee.
Do leaves think it's rain?

The sunny hillside--
Deer stops to look up at me
Or just knows that I'm there

The house is empty
Still, old cat sits on the porch.
Some creatures don't move.

Orange reflector
Has it's moment of union
With the orange leaves.

Shriveled dark and dry
Leaves have withered on the stalk.
No echo of green.

1 comment:

kouji said...

do leaves think it's rain indeed. :D