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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Passing to Silence

The road is shiny;
Sky is a gray blue carpet;
Morning after rain.

Plane above the clouds
Mildly roaring, invisibly,
Passing to silence.

Glistening green leaves;
Loud swarms of happy insects;
Promise of more rain.

Everything's greener;

The dark forest is lit up.
Leaves tremble slightly.

Protruding erect,
Branch sticks out from the tree's crotch.
Which imitates what?

Drawn by warm moisture
Red efts are crossing the road.
It's always dangerous.

Flicker of rain drops
Patter down from the shaking leaves.

A mini shower.

I'm helping red efts,
Lifting them across the road.
One small step for man.

Bright shiny droplets
Clinging to the spider web
Reflect the pale sky.

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