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Friday, September 12, 2008

Gray Sky, No Shadows

Gray sky, no shadows;
Car races along the road
Fleeing from darkness.

Some shriveled brown husks
Still stand, spreading its their leaves
As if they're alive.

Lichen glows today
Picking up light from the gray--
Dim phosphorescence.

Two balls on the lawn
Face each other silently.
Who'll be picked up first?

Woods are soft and dark;
Even dim colors stand out
Like yellowing leaves.

A single acorn
Lies on the hard road's surface,
Not to penetrate.

The monster stump waits
Poised for unsuspecting prey:
Leaves or stray snow flakes.

Crows shout in the woods,
Voices insistent and hoarse
From screaming too much.

Black eyed Susans bloom
In front of unrented house--
Their own tenancy.

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