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Friday, March 21, 2008

Snow dusts icy field;
Curtain flaps in the barn door;

Bird speeds to safety.

Feathers in the road
Flutter in the icy wind
But they do not fly.

Leaves slide on the road;
Loud roaring comes from the woods.

Today the wind rules.

Tiny flakes of snow
Float by in the iced sunlight
Give a mixed message.

Bursting from the woods
The wind swirls up clouds of snow.
Tall trees creak and bend.

Hidden in the woods:

Rusted brown metal whozit,
Latticed, forgotten.

Underneath the rock
Three small icicles dangle
Untouched by the wind.

Old deserted house--
Blank windows stare at the road;
Inside--more blankness.

Shining on the road
Frozen tire tracks glisten
Drawn on by the sun.

1 comment:

Mandorichard said...

Reading haiku on
A stranger's blog when really
I should be working