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Monday, March 31, 2008

Snow Clouds and Tree Creatures

Snow is in the air;
The sun is nowhere in sight;
Lights glow in dark barn.

Pine cones dot the banks

Like mysterious long turds
Left by a weird dog.

A car races by;
Robins sweep across the field
Like receding waves.

Car and truck headlights
Bring Halloween glow in March;
Two fenced in dogs bark.

Racing round the bend
School bus followed by two cars;
Were they ever here?

Voices from the clouds--
A flock of geese pass over,
Move from left to right.

Winding wooden snake
Curls its way up the tree trunk.
Does it feed at night?

Wrapped in lover's hug
Tree trunks entwine each other
(Till death do them part.)

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