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Monday, March 24, 2008

Shadows Guide the Way

Shadows guide the way,
Splashed, speckled on the road.
Incessant dog barks.

Snow is almost gone;
Brown takes over the white field;
Hopeful robin pecks.

Forsythia buds
Perceptible in the sun,
Waiting for their chance.

A tall dark shadow
Stands motionless on the road.
Is that really me?

Whooshing from behind
Car disappears round the bend
Leaving solitude.

Two grizzled brothers
Doze in the late morning sun.
It's a doggie's world.

Solid moss covered
Concrete square stands in the field;
Once a foundation.

Nestled by the fir
The plastic bag stands upright
Waiting to be filled.

Still as a statue
Robin comes to life pecking,
Then freezes again.

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