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Friday, April 20, 2007

Rooster crows again
Sharp shadows on old barn wall;
Even clouds welcome.

Robin on bare branch
Sits as quiet as a stone.
Nearby stream rumbles.

Small yellow/green buds
Poke out along the bare branch--
Forsythia birth.

The old charred tree trunk
Stands next to its fallen limb--
Ancient lightening strike.

Ornament is back,
Hanging bright from the mailbox.
Christmas in April.

Small pines guard the path,
Just a whisper of a trail
That's going nowhere.

Small yellow flowers
Poke out from the dead brown leaves.
Daisies smile at spring.

Sun sparkled water
Trickles down musically.
Another spring voice.

White pickup speeds by;
White husky stands in the back
Looking bewildered.

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