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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Light breaks through the mist;
Four goats enjoy the sunshine;
Shadows reappear.

Greedy water plant
Drinks deep from the running stream;
Its thirst is unslaking.

Working at his job
Woodpecker hammers away.
Lawn mower revs up.

Four honking wild geese
Silhouetted against sky
Make such a racket.

Timidly walking
She rushes in front of me--
Endless gulf between.

Small yellow flower
Pops up to greet the sunshine

From its bed of leaves.

On edge of the cliff
Roots of the dead tree still hold;
Death clinging to life.

A tender green sprout
Grows next to the giant tree
Dreaming its future.

Hopeful tufts of chives;
Soon they will disappear--
Purr of lawn mower.

Rustle in the bush--
Birds in the forsythia
Can't match its brilliance.

Poking through dead leaves
Purple flowers rear their heads.
Where did they come from?

The little Basset
Pokes its nose between the fence.
(It's always nose first).

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