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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Black spots on the slate:
Raindrops in the warm spring air;
A welcoming breeze.

There are three dogs now;
New dog jumps, barks, runs at me;
She's just visiting.

Main color is brown;
Dead leaves blanket the forest.
Little bursts of green.

Snow shovel face down;
Basketball lies further on.
What was and will be.

Light rain is falling,
Swiftly on the road and snow
Ticking and tapping.

A swooping cardinal
Glides swiftly across the road
And into the woods.

Thick white smoke ahead
Pours from the old house chimney.
Is there a new Pope?

Rings in the puddles;
Rain drops ping on the surface
Exploding circles.

Slim, straight, green clusters
Stand together--some drooping;
The first chives of spring.

A cry in the woods
Sounds like maniacal child.
What creature is this?

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