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Friday, November 04, 2016

Neither Up Nor Down

From walks of October 30, November 3 and November 4

October 30, 2016
Pre Halloween day;
Forsythia leaves glowing
In the gray morning.

Solitary branch
Rises above the bushes
Searching for the sky.

Collette's rounded ear
Sits on Olivia's back
As she peeks over.

Soft cirrus clouds hang
Over the mild sunny road.
(Almost November!)

Trampoline and ball
Sit in the empty front yard--
No shouts--no children.

Brown dappled forest
Absorbs the bright fall sunshine
Without a whisper.

Giant bird's nest laid bare;
The birds have long gone.

A lush brown carpet
As the woods reclaim the leaves--
Its winter garment.

Sun shine round the bend--
What promises does it hold
In its fragile grasp?

Solitary one
Passes in and out of sun
As she climbs the hill.

Gray patches of snow
Lie at the base of the tall tree.
Where did it come from?

Yellow and untouched
Old newspaper in its box
Waiting for nothing.

November 3, 2016
Blue bird on my lawn
Ripples across the dead leaves;
Then he disappears.

Yellow leaves sprinkled
Beneath the muted gray sky;
Waiting in silence.

November 4, 2016

Luminescent leaves
Stand next to the faint dull ones;
(A trick of the sun).

Leaves bow and tremble
As sudden breeze ripples through;
Then all are still again.

Spotted with freckles
Leaves prepare for their demise;
Soon they will descend.

Rooster on the roof
Calls out to his compatriot
Crowing from below.

Amid dead brown leaves
Brilliant red buds glow brightly.
Crows argue above.

In the midst of all
Leaf is frozen in its time;
Neither up nor down.

Back lit by the sun
Dead leaves achieve their glory;
For a few moments.

Stranger in the bush--
Leaf lies next to red berries;
A new resting place.

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