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Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Then, it's memory.


Moth in the window
Pressing flat, and still as death.
Why doesn't it move?


 Suddenly the sun,
And a burst of light and joy;
Then, it's memory.


 The porch flower pot
Has brown leaves about to fall.
Miniature Autumn.


 Soft billowing clouds
Rise behind skeletal trees--
Mountains in the sky.


Giant old brown leaf
Perched from where it began.
It's journey's not done.


 Walking with a stick
Young man taps and swings his way
Down the leaf strewn road.


From under dead leaves
Some new green ferns flourishes--
A burst of green light.


 Pungent, from the woods,
(But not disagreeable)
The smell of horse shit.

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