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Monday, November 25, 2013

Under the Wisped Clouds

Ten below freezing
Before I go out the door;
What? Am I crazy?!


 Bare limbs in bright sun
Looking naked this morning;
Time to hit the road.

The strange white sign post
Sits on the lawn near my house;
What does it point to?

A tangle of beige:
Dry Pampas plants and fence posts--
A winter palette.

In the frigid air
Two crows cry at each other
Under the wisped clouds.

Berries on the ground
Seem unusually misplaced;
(It's before their time).

The overturned tree--
It's roots are a solid wall
Against the bright sun.

How long will they last,
These dried leaves on a dead tree,
Before the wind takes them?

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