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Sunday, March 10, 2013

They're Stealing My Time

I have lost an hour;
They took it away from me.
They're stealing my time!


Sunny Sunday morn;
Snow recedes a little more.
(I am fine, thank you.)


Transformer humming;
Birds chirping at each other;
Alfred chews his cud.

White line in the sky;
Dives down below the tree tops,

Waving wooden fence
Seems to be doing a dance--
Up one and back two.

Scant need for gloves now.
(Isn't that a sing of Spring?) 
Blue skies, cooing dove.

In sunlit stillness,
Distant boom of rifle shots:
Some boys with their toys.

The road becomes dark;
Clouds have covered the sunlight.
Moment of sadness.

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