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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yesterday's Snow Storm


Yesterday's snow storm
Forgotten in today's sunshine.
(You just never know).


Flecks of bright snow fall
From the laden pine branches;
Porch needs shoveling.

Shadow on snow hill;
Two dimensions lie on three;
(How many is that?)


The broken tree trunk
Leaning against its neighbor
Waiting out its days.

Thick soft snow clumps fall,
Torn from the trees by the wind,
Blowing loud and cold.

Tiny pine saplings,
Each weighed down by globs of snow
In the wood's shadows.

In the mottled woods
Sawed trees lie in the shadows;
Sunlight trickles through.

Loud dog barking car
Approaches me on the hill.
Never needs a horn.

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