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Thursday, February 14, 2013

With Sharp Blades of Black

It's Valentine's day;
Shadows are bright in the sun
On their snow palette.
Steady water drops
Falling from my roof's gutter
Hinting at spring time.
 Weed against the fence
Framed by the brightness of sun;
Winter is brilliance.

Even snow refuse
Glows in the brilliant sunlight;
Shine trickles in the stream.

Dwindling snow maid,
Once an upstanding iced girl,
Now a melting ball.

Shadows in the snow
Cut the light in their darkness
With sharp blades of black.

The old stump buddies
Still face each other and talk
In hushed wood voices.

Gnarled upturned tree root
Looks for nurture in the air;
Has lost its grounding.

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