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Friday, August 24, 2012

A Trembling Green Leaf

A trembling green leaf
Against the railing's stillness.
A car rushes past.
Parallel phone wires;
Perpendicular porch slats--
A world of straight lines.
 Mourning dove hooting
Softly through the soft morning
Vies with distant plane.
Like frozen spiders,
Clenched fists, or tiny white blooms:
Queen Anne's Lace magic
Brown leaves are falling;
One by one they make no fuss.
Soon, the avalanche.
How soft the green woods
As it melts into darkness
Beyond the sun's rays.

I stop for a pee;
White tail flashes out of sight;
Considerate deer.
Under the tall trees
A brief moment of coolness;
Then, the sunny road.

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