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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Roadside Cornucopia

Clouds and sunshine bits;
Sugar on kitchen table;
Cool spring morning. 

Fifty-five degrees--
And this is the sixth of June!
Season's weirdness.

Munching buttercups
Alfred tries to eat the lawn.
Maybe he'll succeed.

Flowers and the fence;
Living stems twined round iron;
Mixing elements.

Rust orange and green--
Two kinds of leaves together
Living in silence.

Overturned trash can:
Roadside cornucopia
For impolite bears.

Wet fuzzy white stuff
Lying in the crotch of the plants.
Is it angel spit?

A whiff of chlorine;
Where could it be coming from
On the wicked breeze?

Singular daisy
In a field of buttercups
Enjoys solitude.


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