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Monday, December 14, 2009

Feels Like A Spring Thaw

Now it's much warmer--
Just a tad above freezing.
Feels like a spring thaw.

Still the snow ripples;
White dunes flow across the field;

Crow caws across sky.

The dark stream is loud;
Melting water rushes fast
Towards an unseen goal.

Two cars, hoods open;
Line from one to the other.
Standard winter scene.

Birds on a snow bank
Scurrying around for food.
They won't find it there.

Groaning and burping
The school bus backs up and leaves.
Two hour delay.

Sun is no stranger,
It just stays behind the clouds
Playing hide and seek.

The dowager stump;
Old queen covered by slushy snow
Looks less majestic.

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