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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Mixture of "In" and "Out"

Brisk crisp in the air;
White frosting in the field.
Loud gunshot echoes.

Incessant rooster
Crows querulously from barn.
Nobody answers.

Lone strand of ivy
Winds around the rotten stump.
Any home will do.

A break in the fence
Providing a new portal;
Mix of "in" and "out."

Thick leaves are drooping
As if to huddle for winter.
My heart is heavy.

Cascading down rocks:
Live ferns, moss, dead leaves and twigs.
The rocks are not changed.

Cool, gray misted sun
Sheds muted light but no warmth;
Still, the road welcomes.

This stump once towered
Over tiny fir saplings.
Now they give it shade.

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