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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Then the Woods Murmur

A chorus of ducks
Dissonantly sing in barn,
Or is it just chat?

They have lost some glow:
Tall slender billowing stalks.
Now they're close to hay.

Rocks in the clear stream
Shine in the crisp cold sunlight.
The road is silent.

Peaceful magic lawn
Absorbs afternoon shadows
In soft green blanket.

Green leaves are rare now,
Nests rest without protection;
Sumac is fading.

Belle comes to greet me
Shaking her body and tail;
Each time new for us.

Old grizzled tree stump
Above shadow of a sign;
Fuzzy bear crosses.

Sound of my footsteps;
I stop,there's complete silence;
Then the woods murmur.

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